This episode we start another irregular series of podcasts of music issued under Creative Commons licences: this time almost exclusively from the venerable Tribe of Noise site.

November 2024 has 5 Fridays, so we listen to episode 438 of Cory Doctorow’s podcast where he first lays out his theory of enshittification.
This month we rebroadcast an episode of the Bees of Bensham podcast series in which Mattie interviews Barbara Keating, the lead artist on the project.
In 2024, when a month has 5 Fridays, we will find another podcast that excites us and spread the word. This month we look at an old episode of Free as in Freedom!
This year, if a month has five Fridays, we will find another podcast that excites us and spread the word. This month we look at episode 40 of Ferment Radio.
This year Miaaw celebrates its fifth anniversary and so every time we find a fifth Friday in a month we will relive an episode from our history.
This year Miaaw celebrates its fifth anniversary and so every time we find a fifth Friday in a month we will relive an episode from our history.
This year Miaaw celebrates its fifth anniversary and so every time we find a fifth Friday in a month we will relive an episode from our history. This month we slide back in time to December 21, 2018.
This year Miaaw celebrates its fifth anniversary and so every time a month has five Fridays we will take the opportunity to look back at some memorable episodes from our short history.
December 22, 1949. An episode of the police procedural series Dragnet. A boy goes missing, along with the rifle he was due to get for Xmas.
We go back to June 3, 1956 to listen to an episode of the western series Gunsmoke. A pacifist arrives in town pursued by two men who want to kill him.
We go back to June 21, 1950 to listen to episode 15 of 2000 Plus & learn about the future that people in the 1950s looked forward to.
On October 31, 1938 Orson Welles broadcast an version of H.G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds”: one of the great media hoaxes of the 20th century.
This month contains five Fridays and so on Friday Number Five we continue an irregular series of podcasts of music issued under Creative Commons licences: this time we have music to think about as autumn fades into winter.
This episode we continue an irregular series of podcasts of music issued under Creative Commons licences: music to listen to during the summer heatwave.
Listen to the very first sound recordings ever made and ask how they turned into public radio. Then find out what all this has to do with cultural democracy.