The World Transformed took place in Liverpool in September 2018, just three days before Social Tools took place in Helsinki. Sophie Hope managed to attend both of them.
The World Transformed took place in Liverpool in September 2018, just three days before Social Tools took place in Helsinki. Sophie Hope managed to attend both of them. Owen Kelly missed TWT but helped organise Social Tools.
The Movement for Cultural Democracy organised four workshops at The World Transformed. One, with Peter Stark and Claire Palliard looked at funding moves towards cultural democracy and organising as precarious workers. A second, with Stephen Pritchard, discussed gentrification and artwashing. Rhiannon White and Aya Haidar raised issues concerning cultures of class and gender. The fourth workshop finished the event with an open forum.
In Helsinki the Social Tools symposium looked at methods and tools for decentralised democractic organisation, and had an afternoon of presentations, an evening of open discussion, three all-day workshops. The first, by Nati Lombardo and Rich Bartlett examined the methodology they developed with Loomio and Enspiral. The second, led by Sven Latzel examined the principles and practices of Sociocracy 3.0, and the third, led by Sophie Hope and Nick Mahony, asked to what extent the historically anglo-saxon ideas of cultural democracy applied in a Nordic context.
In the cultural democracy workshop the Finnish understanding of talkoot became one of the central points of discussion, and in this episode Sophie and Owen spend some time trying to unpick that.