François Matarasso & Arlene Goldbard talk to Carol Bebelle, cofounder of Ashé Cultural Arts Center in New Orleans.
In Episode 23 of A Culture of Possibility, François Matarasso and Arlene Goldbard interview Carol Bebelle, cofounder of Ashé Cultural Arts Center in New Orleans, about her decades of work for cultural democracy.
Carol “has to her credit a book of original poetry In a Manner of Speaking, and is presented among other New Orleans writers in the Anthology From a Bend in the River, edited by Kalamu ya Salaam. She has several published interviews, testimonies and a chapter in the recently published Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina, edited by Amy Koritz and George J. Sanchez”.
This makes for a vivid and uplifting conversation that touches on Hurricane Katrina, racial healing, the power of art and culture to root us in heritage and envision a future we want to help bring about.
Listen and be inspired!