Beverley Harvey & Brendan Jackson, co-founders of the Jubilee Archive project, discuss the archive, its purposes, and its future.
Jubilee Arts was a unique community arts organisation based in Sandwell in the Black Country, in the West Midlands of England. The group made a point of documenting their work, which they have worked hard to establish as a living archive. The archive documents the period 1974-94, two decades of tremendous change.
On the archive website they explain that “Locked away in the basement of West Bromwich Town Hall since the last century, in 2014-15 we dusted off the archive boxes, bringing them back to the light of day to share some our findings through a series of workshops, exhibitions and events”.
In this episode Owen Kelly talks with Beverley Harvey and Brendan Jackson, both long time members of Jubilee Arts and co-founders of the archive project, about the archive, its purpose, and its future.