Friday No 5 PRESENTS
Summer Sounds from the Commons

This episode we continue an irregular series of podcasts of music issued under Creative Commons licences: music to listen to during the summer heatwave.

Episode 002     July 30, 2021
Contributors    Owen Kelly    

Most months have four Fridays, and we know what to do with them. We put out a podcast: a different but related one for each Friday in the month.

Sometimes, however, a month has five Fridays, and then we do something different – usually celebrating sound in one way or another.

This month on Friday Number Five we continue an irregular series of podcasts of music issued under Creative Commons licences: music to listen to during the summer heatwave.

The music ranges from old-school EDM to soundscapes and indie folk, but it all flows together nicely. The musicians include Comfort Fit, Monopole, Nobara Hayakawa, Paper Navy, adcbicycle, Entertainment for the Brain Dead, Halogen, and Brad Sucks.