In this episode Owen Kelly sits back while Sophie Hope explains some of her thoughts on participation and democracy.
In this episode Owen Kelly sits back while Sophie Hope shares some of her thoughts on participation and democracy.
She gives examples, some personal, of the ways in which participation can extend over time as well as space. She talks about the Joseph Beuys seminal work 7000 Acorns, and its afterlife as an inspiration to other participatory projects, some involving acorns and oaks.
Sophie draws inspiration from a series of articles and papers that are listed on the website and cover topics from policy making and gender politics to cultural policy in Chile and South Africa.
Durrer, V., Gilmore, A. and Stevenson, D. (2019) Arts councils, policy-making and “the local” . Cultural Trends, 28:4, 317-331.
Hamdaoui, S. (2021) Enhancing elite autonomy: the role of cultural policy in post-authoritarian Chile (1990-2005) . International Journal of Cultural Policy
Minh-ha, T.T., 1991. When the Moon Waxes Red. Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics. London and New York: Routledge.
Moiloa, M. (2021) Organizing: Collectivity as Infrastructure in Southern African Arts Practice .Field Journal, Issue 17.
O’Neill, M., 2008. Transnational Refugees: The Transformative Role of Art? Forum: Qualitative Social Research. Volume 9, No. 2.
Zamorano, M. & Bonet, L. (2020) 'Citizen participation in liberal and illiberal European cultural policies' in Cultural Policies in Europe: a Participatory Turn? .Chapter: 1.3. Publisher: Editions L'Attribut (pp.69-83)