A New Hope

Meanwhile in an Abandoned Warehouse returns from a four month siesta with renewed vigour, a review of the past twelve months, and a clearer set of long term objectives, which include creating a community and releasing a podcast every week during 2021.

Episode 051     January 8, 2021
Contributors    Sophie Hope     |   Owen Kelly    

Meanwhile in an Abandoned Warehouse went on holiday on August 28, 2020, when Episode 50 went live. Our intention was to take a short break to rethink our long term strategy. For various reasons, including the covid-19 inspired lockdowns and the consequences of moving all professional activity online, the holiday lasted four months rather than the intended four weeks.

In this episode Sophie Hope and Owen Kelly look back at 2020 and where they have got to so far. They discuss the differences that the pandemic has made to their professional and personal lives. They look at what they have learned from lecturing or running workshops with groups of students over Teams or Zoom for the last nine months.

They explain their plans for Miaaw in 2021. These include expanding the website, introducing a monthly newsletter, and expanding the podcasts from every other week to weekly. They will form a foundation for creating ways of building the audience into an active community.

Every month will now have four separate but related podcasts: each with a clear mission, and all connected directly to conversations about cultural democracy and the commons.

Next week we begin Episode 1 of Genuine Inquiry…


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