Stacco Troncoso teaches and writes on the Commons, P2P politics and economics, open culture, post-growth futures, Platform and Open Cooperativism, decentralised governance, blockchain and more as part of the P2P Foundation, Commons Transition and Guerrilla Translation.
In his own words, from his personal website,
“I was born in Madrid, Spain in 1975, and grew up in London, England, returning to Madrid to study Fine Arts in 1992. Working as a professional translator since 1998 I co-founded Guerrilla Translation with my partner, Ann Marie Utratel, as a living project to ground P2P and Commons theories in real practices.
Inclusive Commons advocacy and education is also an essential part of Commons Transition – an organization dedicated to spreading and strengthening the Commons worldwide, and where I work as project lead. I have been a core team member of the P2P Foundation since 2013 in several roles, presently as Advocacy Coordinator.
I am also a frequent collaborator of Furtherfield, the Commons Strategies Group and Commons Network, as well as a board member for Zemos98, Commonspolis and part of the International Advisory Board of the Digital Communities category at Prix Ars Electronica.”