Common Practice PRESENTS
Introducing the De-Centre

Sophie Hope talks to Sean Gregory and Jo Gibson about the new Guildhall De-Centre.

Episode 039     September 27, 2024
Contributors    Jo Gibson     |   Sean Gregory     |   Sophie Hope    

Guildhall De-Centre focuses on the support structures, networks and collaborations that form the basis of socially engaged practices by developing a community of researchers, practitioners, producers, teachers and administrators at Guildhall School.

In tris episode Sophie Hope talks to Sean Gregory and Jo Gibson about the new De-Centre for Socially Engaged Practice and Research. They discuss the roots of this initiative, their different lines of enquiry threading through it, and approach the question of what a socially engaged, de-centred conservatoire might be and do.

The De-Centre operates under the stewardship of Guildhall School staff members who convene monthly to deliberate and make decisions collaboratively. So while this episode features Sophie, Sean and Jo telling their story, there are many more people involved who have inspired this work and who are currently making things happen.

Please see the website to find out more, and join the mailing list to get updates.