Convivial Mechanics

Owen Kelly suggests that we update our ideas about the web to reclaim its radical, collaborative nature.

Episode 070     February 2, 2024
Contributors    Owen Kelly    

This episode begins a mini-series that looks at whether or not we should feel concerned about the digital tools we use and the effects that they have on us. The tools we use and the uses we make of them have changed since the web began in the early nineties. Twenty years ago people created blogs and surfed the web looking for like-minded people. Today most people create personal pages on social media platforms and search inside Facebook to find new “friends”.

Does this difference matter?

Owen Kelly looks at the history of the web and the ways that these changes happened and suggests that we can find a growing movement to reclaim the sense of discovery that used to pervade the web. He suggests that we revive the idea of the curated blog-roll and the collective web-ring, and promises that Miaaw will introduce modern versions of these on its website soon.

If you want to propose a website to include in the blogroll (yours or one you follow) then please email your suggestions to as soon as possible.