Take Art around Somerset

François Matarasso and Arlene Goldbard talk with Ralph Lister from Take Art, in rural Somerset, England.

Episode 034     November 17, 2023
Contributors    François Matarasso     |   Arlene Goldbard     |   Ralph Lister    

On Culture of Possibility podcast #34, François Matarasso and Arlene Goldbard talk with Ralph Lister, executive director of Take Art in rural Somerset, England.

Take Art has been offering rural touring, projects in dance, theatre, and other arts practices, and working with artists and community groups, including schools, hospitals, day centres, youth clubs and early childhood education for going on four decades.

In this episode, they look at the ways perception, funding, and policy frameworks differ for rural and urban communities, how rural projects are networking and collaborating across Europe, and about the remarkable work Take Art has been able to carry forward, even in challenging times.